solar panels are the best choice for reducing energy costs and protecting the environment.
Photovoltaic Solar Panel
This technology is known as one of the main ways to generate electricity from solar energy
Wind This term refers to the streams of charged particles that are launched into space from the Sun.
Solar Water Heaters
These devices use solar energy to heat water
Solar Power Plant Developer
Solar energy is an endless and sustainable resource that is recognized as one of the main sources of renewable energy. The fireball, which is more than 4.6 billion years old, will continue to radiate for at least another 5 billion years and will be a reliable source of energy.
Iran, especially Kerman and Yazd provinces, have a high potential for the exploitation of solar energy due to their climatic conditions and geographical location. These areas can supply a major part of their electrical needs through solar energy.

Solar Trade Isatis Kavir: Leading in Solar Energy, Clean Energy, Optimization
Nowadays, public awareness of renewable resources and the negative effects of the use of non-renewable resources on the environment has increased dramatically. Solar Tejarat Isatis Kavir Company has started its activities with the aim of reducing pollutants and protecting the environment. Focusing on sustainable development and promoting the use of solar energy as an endless resource, the company strives to increase public trust in these types of energies and help preserve the environment.

Isatis Kavir Solar Trading Company started its activity in the field of solar power plant development in 2014 and started to develop a 10 MW solar power plant project in Iran, Kerman province, to choose the location of the power plant according to maximizing the project’s income and reducing all costs, various parameters were considered as the criterion for this work, and after selecting and issuing a license for the guaranteed purchase of electricity 20 years with the Ministry of Energy (SATBA), it intends to build this project and other solar projects in Iran.

MW of electricity production
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Successful project
Environmental protection
One of the advantages of solarenergy is that it is knownas a clean energy source for several reasons. The process of generating electricity by solar panels, unlike fossil power plants,is without emitting greenhousegases or other pollutantsthat contribute to air pollution and climate change. In fact, no combustion actiontakes place in this process. Therefore, in the categoryof the main advantages of solar energy, itcan be said that the sun is an environmentally friendly resource.
Sustainable and renewable
The Sun is the only star inthe system in which we Earthlingslive. The star is a huge sphere-shaped mass made up of various materials such as hydrogen and helium. The conversion of hydrogen to helium during the nuclearfusion reaction is associated with the release of a great deal of energy, which reaches the earth in the form of light and heat. Therefore, one of the advantages of solar energy, which we convertinto electricity by means of photovoltaic panels, is that it is unfinished, renewable, and sustainable.
Energy security
Most of the warsthat have occurred between different nations and governmentsin the last century have been over energy resources, which are unevenly distributed across the planet. Therefore, another advantage of solar energycan be considered its availability throughout the planet, and as a result, increased energy security in countries that rely on this resource. Overall, using solar energy can increase energy security in power generation, heating supply, and transportation.